Free Fire, with over 500 million downloads on Google Playstore, has been one of the popular trends during the quarantine period, with players around the world trying to push up their ranks.
#1: Never loot in the open.

Every Free Fire player needs to be wary of looting in the open. It is effortless for enemies to catch you off guard while you’re busy looting crates.
Therefore, to avoid being an easy target, move the analogue sideways continuously while looting. By using this strategy, it will be impossible for your enemies to aim headshots at you.

Popular video platform, YouTube, has several videos recommending players to shift to claw controls.
However, it is best to use the thumb layout while playing Free Fire, since the game doesn’t have any complicated in-game mechanisms. You can quickly adapt yourself to the controls in Free Fire, unlike PUBG Mobile.
#3: Best aim precision

If your aim is weak, using the default aim precision, with or without the scope, is recommended.
In turn, you will land more headshots, and the crosshair will automatically move towards your target. The steps of an auto headshot are: crouch, scope, zoom in, crouch and fire.
This feature is somewhat similar to the aim-assist feature in PUBG Mobile.
#4: Settings and sensitivity

The reaction time in Free Fire is entirely dependent on the sensitivity settings. It is, therefore, essential to figure out which sensitivity settings suit your playstyle. Copying someone else’s settings can land you in big trouble.
Adjust your sensitivity settings according to your device. On low-end devices with 2 GB of RAM, keep the sensitivity at the maximum, otherwise play at default sensitivity.
General: 100
Red Dot: 30
2x Scope: 52
4x Scope: 66
AWM Scope: 82.
#5: Never unnecessarily jump-shoot

A lot of Free Fire players often overuse Jump-shoot.
To be able to come out on top while using jump-shoot, your jump needs to be well calculated. It is important to note that this fancy move can mess up you aim entirely. Therefore, before using this in ranked mode, go to custom rooms, and practice it until you get it right.